About Me
I am a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT),
working under the mentorship of Prof. Yi Wang and co-supervised by Prof. Haoyu Wang.
My research interests lie at the intersection of privacy, security, and software engineering. My work mainly focuses on mobile app analysis, particularly, developing approaches to address the increasing security and privacy concerns within mobile app ecosystems, as well as mining and modeling app data to promote best operational practices across app markets.
I am currently working on usable mobile privacy research.
- [Apr. 2024] I attended the MSR & ICSE 2024 Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, and gave an oral presentation of our paper.
- [Dec. 2023] I attended the CCF ChinaSoft 2023 Conference in Shanghai, China, and was delighted that our team won third prize in the Software Research Prototype System Competition.
- [Oct. 2023] I attended the China National Computer Congress (CNCC) 2023 Conference in Shenyang, China.
- [Sep. 2023] I attended the ASE 2023 Conference in Luxembourg, and gave an oral presentation of our paper.
- [Aug. 2023] I attended the Internetware 2023 Conference in Hangzhou, China, and gave an oral presentation of our paper.
- [Mar. 2023] I joined the Security Pride Research Group at the National CyberSecurity Centre (NCC) of HUST, in Wuhan, China, working with Prof. Haoyu Wang.
- [Sep. 2022] I start my PhD journey with Prof. Yi Wang in the Coco Lab!
( * co-first authorship)
- Android Malware Family Labeling: Perspectives from the Industry
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Tao Zhang, Haitao Xu, Guozhu Meng, Peiming Gao, Chen Wei, and Yi Wang.
The 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Industry Track, 2024.
- Global Prosperity or Local Monopoly? Understanding the Geography of App Popularity
Liu Wang, Conghui Zheng, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Gareth Tyson, Yi Wang, and Shangguang Wang.
21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2024.
- MalCertain: Enhancing Deep Neural Network Based Android Malware Detection by Tackling Prediction Uncertainty
Haodong Li, Guosheng Xu, Liu Wang, Xusheng Xiao, Xiapu Luo, Guoai Xu, and Haoyu Wang.
Proceedings of 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024.
- Re-measuring the Label Dynamics of Online Anti-Malware Engines from Millions of Samples
Jingjing Wang*, Liu Wang*, Feng Dong, and Haoyu Wang.
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2023.
- WeMinT: Tainting Sensitive Data Leaks in WeChat Mini-Programs
Shi Meng*, Liu Wang*, Shenao Wang, Kailong Wang, Xusheng Xiao, Guangdong Bai, and Haoyu Wang.
The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2023.
- Ransomware as a Service: Demystifying Android Ransomware Generators
Can Tu, Liu Wang, Yang Xu, Yiping Zhao, Haitao Xu, and Haoyu Wang.
19th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm), 2023.
- DISTDET: A Cost-Effective Distributed Cyber Threat Detection System
Feng Dong, Liu Wang, Nie Xu, Fei Shao, Haoyu Wang, Ding Li, Xiapu Luo and Xusheng Xiao.
The 32th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2023.
- A Deep Dive into the Featured iOS Apps
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Huiyi Wang, Li Li, and Yi Wang.
The 14th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware), 2023.
- MalWhiteout: Reducing Label Errors in Android Malware Detection
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, and Yulei Sui.
The 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2022.
- Privacy Analysis of Period Tracking Mobile Apps in the Post-Roe v. Wade Era
Zikan Dong, Liu Wang, Hao Xie, Guoai Xu, and Haoyu Wang.
A-Mobile Workshop, co-located with ASE'22 (A-Mobile), 2022.
- What Did You Pack in My App? A Systematic Analysis of Commercial Android Packers
Zikan Dong*, Hongxuan Liu*, Liu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Yao Guo, Guoai Xu, Xusheng Xiao, and Haoyu Wang.
ESEC/FSE, Industry Track, 2022.
- Demystifying "Removed Reviews" in iOS App Store
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Tao Zhang, Shangguang Wang, and Xuanzhe Liu.
ESEC/FSE, Industry Track, 2022.
- MalRadar: Demystifying Android Malware in the New Era
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Ren He, Ran Tao, Guozhu Meng, Xiapu Luo, and Xuanzhe Liu.
- A Tale of Two Countries: A Longitudinal Cross-Country Study of Mobile Users' Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic Through the Lens of App Popularity
Liu Wang, Haoyu Wang, Yi Wang, Gareth Tyson, and Fei Lyu.
The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MobileSoft), 2022.
- A Longitudinal Study of Removed Apps in iOS App Store
Fuqi Lin*, Haoyu Wang*, Liu Wang, and Xuanzhe Liu.
Proceedings of the 30th The Web Conference (WWW), 2021.
- Beyond the Virus: A First Look at Coronavirus-themed Android Malware
Liu Wang, Ren He, Haoyu Wang, Pengcheng Xia, Yuanchun Li, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Xiapu Luo, Yulei Sui, Yao Guo, and Guoai Xu.
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
- A Large-Scale Empirical Study of COVID-19 Themed GitHub Repositories
Liu Wang, Ruiqing Li, Jiaxin Zhu, Guangdong Bai, and Haoyu Wang.
IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), 2021.
- Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Github Developers: A Preliminary Study
Liu Wang, Ruiqing Li, Jiaxin Zhu, Guangdong Bai, Weihang Su and Haoyu Wang.
The 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), 2021.
- MadDroid: Characterising and Detecting Devious Ad Content for Android Apps
Tianming Liu, Haoyu Wang, Li Li, Xiapu Luo, Feng Dong, Yao Guo, Liu Wang, Tegawende F. Bissyande, and Jacques Klein.
Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW), 2020.
- Market-level Analysis of Government-backed COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps
Huiyi Wang*, Liu Wang*, and Haoyu Wang.
The International Workshop on Advances in Mobile App Analysis (A-Mobile), 2020.
Honors & Awards
- [2023] National Scholarship, Chinese Ministry of Education
- [2022] Outstanding Postgraduate Student, BUPT
- [2021] Outstanding Postgraduate Student, BUPT
- [2021] National Scholarship, Chinese Ministry of Education
- [C] A-Mobile 2023, 2024
- [C] The Web Conference (WWW) 2024, 2025
- [C] EAI SecureComm 2023
- [C] ChinaSoft 2023
- [J] ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
- [J] Journal of Software (软件学报 in Chinese)
- Teaching Assistant, Software Architecture, BUPT (Spring 2024)
- Teaching Assistant, Principles of Computer Organization, BUPT (Spring 2021)
- Teaching Assistant, Principles of Computer Organization, BUPT (Spring 2020)